Sporting Events
You can enjoy a packed programme of daytime sports events, and a full Feria experience outside. Please note you will only see the headline stars in the Evening Shows
Masterclasses take place indoors on Thursday afternoon with some major equestrian names
Dressage takes place on the Friday.
Show Jumping - outdoors in the Devon County Main Arena - Friday and Saturday
The prestigious Showing classes with international judges take place on Saturday with the four champions taking a lap of honour in the Saturday night Espectáculo.
Working Equitation - the sport taking the UK by storm. The Working Equitation is open to all breeds and is a national competition run by the Association for British Working Equitation. Dressage and Ease of Handling rounds take place on Friday daytime. The exciting speed rounds take place Saturday afternoon and for the advanced riders beginning the Saturday night evening Espetáculo.
Daytime tickets include access to all outdoor areas - food, shopping and demos
If you own a Lusitano, PRE, PRMe or PRE Fusion, find out more about competing at the Festival HERE