The Espectáculos
Tickets for 2024 are on sale now.
Meet the 2024 Festival Stars Here.
Meet the STARS OF THE 2023 ESPECTÁCULOS below. It was an Immersive Iberian Experience illuminated by a spectacular light show, with World famous equestrians. The King of Liberty - Fréderic Pignon, The Queen of artistic dressage Magali Delgado, and true horse royalty - Córdoba Ecuestre - horses and riders from the Royal Stables of Córdoba in their FIRST EVER visit to English soil, plus Working Equitation and an Iberian Parade.
The Return of Frédéric Pignon and Magali Delgado
Buy TicketsHaving entertained over two million people across Europe, once again you can see them right here in Devon! You all loved them, and they loved the show - we simply had to bring them back for the tenth anniversary. Equestrian artists of the very highest order, co-founders of Cavalia and a total inspiration for the world of horsemanship, their motto is - "Where Heart Meets Art". Starring several of their talented Iberian stallions at liberty and under saddle, the love and connection Frederic and Magali bring to a show is absolutely magical. This is equestrian talent, art and entertainment of an exceptional level - you can be sure that your heart will soar with joy and love. Frederic is the liberty artist who the professionals go to train with, the connection and communication spellbinding. Magali a classical and Grand Prix rider that rides with a unique combination of top talent and sheer beauty. Together, they will once again light up Westpoint Arena under a spectacular and unforgettable lighting system. Read More Here
Córdoba Ecuestre from The Royal Stables of Córdoba
Buy TicketsWhat an absolute honour, for the show, and a pleasure for us all. Their first ever visit to the UK, a moment that will be unforgettable under an epic sound and light system. The horses and riders from Cordoba Equestre. are influenced by hundreds of years of horsemanship, tradition and Royal patronage, you will be wowed by their exceptional talent and artistry in many different styles. You can expect to see for example Doma Vaquera, Amazona, High School, Airs Above the Ground and Long lining - an absolutely stunning and timeless showcase of the heritage and culture of Spain. There are several Classical Schools around the World, the Royal Stables of Córdoba founded in 1567 by Felipe II by Royal Decree the home of the oldest where horses and soldiers were trained for the Spanish Armada and beyond. The others (in date order of founding) are The School of Lipica (1580), The Portuguese School of Equestrian Art (1726 - late 19th century, resurrected 1979), The Spanish Riding School (1729), the Cadre Noir (1928), The Royal Andalusian School of Equestrian art (1973)
British Working Equitation Display Team
Buy TicketsThe ONLY place you can see some of Britains top Working Equitation riders take a walk on the magical side is at the Festival of the Iberian Horse. Their signature, statement piece in the LED lights innovated and choreographed by TEAMGB Chef D'equipe Georgia Shone has been produced exclusively for us since 2017. For the 10th anniversary show, the bar is being raised to a truly unique, never seen anywhere in the world level, in a state of the art piece of magic. In 2022, "the LED Lusitanos" joined with Frederic and Magali in the middle of one of their acts, weaving their way around beautiful Olive trees, (from Urban Plants Exeter) carrying lit up varas. It was a truly inspirational and magnetic equine performance. Mesmerising, innovative and such quality horsemanship from these British riders - Holly Barber riding Lusitano Exparta D'Atela, Lynne Macleod riding Lusitano Hermes and Tamsin Devonport riding Lusitano Cereja. This year's riders will be confirmed later in the year.
The Parade
Buy TicketsThe Parade is designed to give a sense of the flavour of the World Famous Golega Fair in Portugal, or a Fiesta in Spain. Flamboyance is key as riders compete to be chosen as the Best Spanish and Portuguese Parade horse. You can expect to see some in traditional costumes, others riding in very moden English bling (riders in English are not eligible for the main prizes). As well as the judges favourite, the audience will be invited to vote for their favourite horse (see the slips in your programme where you can also choose your favourite daytime horse and trade stand). We have some incredible professional riders joining us to parade, each one to be be introduced indvidually with a spotlight, and showing their very best moves as a group and indivually, With horses, music, lights and action, you willl be transported to the Iberian peninsula and beyond! Grab a sangria and get ready for some Iberian inspiration
Working Equitation - Ease and Speed Rounds
Buy TicketsThe sport of Working Equitation, is dynamic, exciting and very technical. The fastest growing equestrian sport, absolutely huge in Europe. On Friday night you'll see the UK's Advanced riders complete their "Ease of Handling" rounds, very stylish, technical and elegant. On Saturday riders compete against the clock in the final phase of the competition. You'll see incredible horsemanship as they make their way around a challenging obstacle course. In the speed, the louder you cheer the faster they go! This begins the night as we have to allow for the course take down, but it will be an absolute highlight and will blow the socks off the whole family! This section of the show is a National Competition run by The Association for British Working Equitation, It is open to all breeds of horse, not just Iberians. The novice rounds take place in the daytimes.