The Royal Stables of Córdoba
The Royal Stables of Córdoba
2023 saw the first ever UK visit of horses from Córdoba Ecuestre from The Royal Stables of Córdoba. What an absolute honour, for the show, and a pleasure for us all - a truly unforgettable moment for everyone, especially under under an epic sound and light system. They were so incredible we had to invite them back, and they join us again in 2024. They loved it so much the riders are designing brand new, large scale pieces just for the UK. Make sure you have your tickets, as this is going to be special
In 2023, they starred alongside global superstars Frédéric Pignon and Magali Delgado. Four sold out Espectáculos were absolute confirmation of the excitement for this epic historical moment for all equestrians, and especially those that love the Spanish horse. In 2024, they will star alongside Alizée Froment and Silke Vallentin.
The Royal Stables of Córdoba were founded in 1570 by Felipe II by Royal Decree. From here, horses and soldiers were trained for the Spanish Armada and beyond, as such it is arguably the oldest classical school in the world where the military horses were trained.
It's amazing when you consider that horses from Córdoba would have been on the Spanish Armada, and Plymouth is where the riders landed last year as due to flights being cancelled, they had to come overnight by ferry! This time they came in peace!
The Royal stables are considered the birthplace of the pure bred Spanish horse as King Felipe wanted to protect and formalise the breeding of the horses. Still today horses are bred and trained there, and performances take place showcasing the horses and culture of Spain. The Royal Stables also host a variety of events all year round - Morphology compeitions, driving competitions and more. The buildings are truly spectacular, heavily influenced by Muslim and military style. If you find yourself in Andalusia, a visit to the Stables in one of Spain's most ancient cities is an absolute must. The Feria de Córdoba takes place at the end of May.
The horses and riders from Córdoba Equestre. are influenced by hundreds of years of this Royal patronage and traditions. their talent and artistry is absolutely exceptional in many different styles. They specialise in all of the fine equestrian arts - Doma Vaquera, Amazona (side saddle), High School, Airs Above the Ground and Long lining. When you see Córdoba Ecuestre you can be sure of absolutely stunning and timeless showcase of the heritage and culture of Spain. There are one of several Classical Schools around the World,
The classical schools of the World are (in date order of founding) are The School of Lipica (1580), The Portuguese School of Equestrian Art (1726 - late 19th century, resurrected 1979), The Spanish Riding School (1729), the Cadre Noir (1928) and The Royal Andalusian School of Equestrian Art (1973). The latter are often referred to as "The big four", an attribution often thought by some to refer to them being the biggest, oldest or most important, but actually came about because of "The Four Schools Show" that took place in France in 2007 where 45 riders, and 80 horses participated in a truly groundbreaking show at the Omnisports Stadium of Paris-Bercy.